April 21, 2009

Par 4

Logline: "One man's lifelong devotion to golf is unriddled by playing a hole backwards."


PAR 4 by Kyle Patrick Johnson Represented by: Canton Literary Management (CLM) Contact: Eric Canton (866) 429-3118 ECanton@Prodigy.net www.CantonLiteraryManagement.com Registered with: Writers Guild of America, West, Inc. Registration #1348264 2. FADE IN: EXT. GOLF COURSE - 18TH GREEN - DAY A dull, scratched white ball rests six inches from the hole. IAN (80s), stooped, polyester shirt, on his knees, holds himself up with a putter. Eyes the shot. OLD WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Ian, we haven’t all day. It’s past your suppertime. IAN I have this now. I see it. OLD WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) You don’t even like this game. Ian heaves himself to stand. Takes careful aim, putts. Sound of the ball bouncing in the hole. 18TH HOLE - BUNKER IAN (now 40), looks down at his sand-covered ball with disgust. He slams his club in the sand, frustrated. Ian’s CADDY (70) sidles up behind him. CADDY Ian, get a strong stroke and sweep under the ball. IAN But there’s a lip there, Dad. I’ll never get it over. Caddy grips Ian’s arm with a pincer hand, squeezes hard. CADDY I’ve waited my entire life for this, Ian. Don’t let me down. Ian shakes his arm free. Approaches the ball, takes several practice swings. He hits it. Sand sprays everywhere. The ball flies straight up... OLD WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Get in the hole! 3. And lands on the green, exactly where 80-year-old Ian had begun his putt. Ian pumps a triumphant fist. Sound of a huge crowd cheering. 18TH HOLE - IN THE TREES IAN (now 18) looks at a white ball in the underbrush. Ian swings in hurried practice, clods of dirt fly. Ian’s CADDY (now 50) stomps through the trees towards him. CADDY That was the worst ball strike I’ve ever... What the bloody hell are you playing at? The years I’ve wasted on you! IAN I’m trying, Dad, I’m trying. Tears in his eyes, Ian hits the ball. A line drive. Ugly. The ball skitters into that bunker next to the green. CADDY Concentrate, boy! Your rough play is as half-crap as your attitude. Ian throws his club to the ground, crying. 18TH HOLE - TEE BOX Ian (80 again) puts a sparkling white ball on a gleaming white tee. Readies a driver, swings through the ball. It shanks into the trees. Ian starts a slow, long walk to it. OLD WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Oh, Ian. Not the trees again. We’re late for your supper. IAN I always do that on this hole. OLD WOMAN’S VOICE (O.S.) Why do you still drag me out here every day, Ian? What good is it? You don’t even like this game. Ian pauses in his walk. IAN It reminds me of Dad. FADE OUT.

1 comments and reviews:


Nice. Earned a wry smile at the end.